Invasive Species Removal, May 25

Hello! I’m Owen Krzos, a volunteer with the NVSWCD, a FCPA Staff Member, and a regular attendee of AUUC. I can show people how to identify and remove invasive plant species from the local forest, and show examples of tree damage caused by some of the species.

Join in on an invasive species removal on May 25th, from 1–4 pm. We will be down in the area next to the large playground. We’ll be focusing on how to identify and remove Japanese Honeysuckle, English Ivy, and Porcelain Berry. If you have one, please bring a trowel, clippers, or a weeder, as we will be planting native plants once we finish removing the invasive ones. The photo is the site in question.

Sign up:


Posted: May 6, 2024