The Green Sanctuary Committee helps to integrate environmental awareness and action into church life.

The team organizes special projects and adult enrichment programs and works in connection with other church groups. The team is supported by UU Ministry for Earth and the UUA’s Green Sanctuary Program which provide direction for congregational study, reflection, and action for today’s environmental challenges—including climate change and environmental justice.

Examples of recent activities include

  • Collaborating on a worship service on April 24, for Earth Day, entitled “Gardening Makes a House a Home”
  • Coordinating efforts to solarize the church building, beginning with a comprehensive energy audit.
  • Purchasing additional LED lights to finish conversion of the sanctuary to energy-saving LEDs
  • Advocating for increased funding for the Green Climate Fund, which helps poorer countries combat climate change.
  • Developing a food garden project for the church that would provide vegetables for area food banks.
  • Connecting with local environmental organizations including Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Virginia Interfaith Power & Light,, and Wild Virginia.
  • Hosting Art With a (Re)Purpose, which was AUUC’s first online environmental art show. All artworks showcased were made fully or partially with repurposed or recycled materials.

The committee meets virtually on a regular basis and meets face-to-face occasionally. All are welcome to join the group and bring ideas to the committee as we work together to make a difference.

Contact for more information.

See below for suggestions of individual actions and resources.


Environmental Action and Resource List

Useful Resources


Environmentally Friendly Yard Management

Purchase from local native plant nurseries:

Other actions you can take include:

  • Plant a native tree on your property or find groups that plant trees in your community. (See Native Plants for Northern Virginia, an information-rich booklet from Plant Nova Natives.)
  • Help the bees & butterflies: plant a pollinator.
  • Plant a small herb garden.
  • Plant edible greens as a border.
  • Watch YouTube videos of Doug Tallamy (author of >Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard; available at the Fairfax County Library) 

Local Organizations