At AUUC, we have books available for borrowing by readers of all ages. We currently welcome donations of new or gently-used books that might be of interest to our community. If you are looking to share popular fiction books, there is a Little Free Library located in our garden that might be a good place for your book to find a new reader.

Adult Library

The main library is located just inside the main doors in the cabinets on the left. Books donated by AUUC members and friends will help you in your spiritual search for truth and meaning. These include nonfiction, fiction, biographies/memoirs, and even some young adult titles.

Currently employing a classic process, checking out a book is as easy as writing your name on the card located your selected book’s back pocket. Leave this card in the wooden card holder on the counter. When you return your book, slip the card back into the card holder.

You may see some books labeled with a spine sticker to indicate additional categories of interest. See the image below for examples:

Children's Library Shelves

Children’s Library

In our DSD’s office, you will find a wide variety of books for children to enjoy. Many of these books have been used in children’s spiritual development classes or in the Time for All Ages portion of our Sunday services. Some of these books might also be available on a book cart that is part of the Prayground in the sanctuary during services.


Reading Lists

You might be interested in joining our Women’s Book Discussion Group, Poetry Group, or Banned Book Club.

You might also find your next read in one of these lists we maintain: