September Outreach Collection: Beacon House

What better place than Beacon House’s Camp Leap for urban children and teens to go during the summer to learn how to swim, to experience a nature preserve & local museums, and enjoy theater productions & paddle boating at the Tidal Basin. Then, once school resumes, what an opportunity for these young people to participate after school in homework help & academic enrichment, football & cheerleading practice, along with mentoring by caring adults & nutritious meals served up at Beacon House!

AUUC’s September outreach collection is for Beacon House. Founded in 1991 by UU minister Rev. Don Robinson, a person of color, Beacon House today serves a population of children and teens that is 96% African-American and 4% Hispanic/Latino.

Beacon House is a safe and nurturing place for children and teens in DC’s Ward 5 Edgewood Community where BH parents, community members, coaches, mentors, and alumni give back to support the next generation of kids. Visit the Beacon House website for more information.

On Sunday, Sept. 8, Danielle Schmutz, Interim Executive Director, will visit AUUC to share her firsthand experiences at Beacon House.

Outreach Donations to Beacon House may be made online through the AUUC website anytime during September; click “Donate”, then check “Monthly Outreach Offerings”. Donations of cash and checks may be placed in the collection basket during the Sunday service. You may also mail your check to AUUC, making checks payable to AUUC with a note ‘outreach’ in memo line. Thank you!
Outreach collections are sponsored by AUUC’s Social Justice Committee.


Posted on September 1, 2024