Archives: Services

Question Box Sermon

Do you want to know a little more about the theological foundations of Unitarian Universalism? Or a little about the spiritual journey of your minister? Or a little about Unitarian Universalism’s response to racism throughout our history?  Whatever you would like to know a little … read more.

You Already Belong

Belonging means feeling accepted, valued, and included for who you are. It’s the sense that you are an essential part of something larger—a community, a relationship, or a purpose—where your presence is recognized and appreciated. True belonging isn’t about fitting in or meeting narrow expectations; … read more.

Homecoming and Training to be Avatars of Love

A Multigenerational Water Communion

The most influential Unitarian of the 19th century counseled the development of the principles and powers of the soul. More recently the 21st century animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, follows its main character Aang as he learns to manipulate the elements … read more.

“Flexibility of Faith”

Unitarian universalism is a living tradition. Throughout our history, we have responded to the times aspiring to reach our arms out wider in an ever-expanding invitation. Even as we find such change life-giving, it often means letting go of past traditions. What does it mean … read more.

“The Moral Minority Report”

As described in a recent documentary and outlined in multiple books, for the past fifty years Christian Nationalists have been engaged in a well-organized, coordinated effort to overthrow American democracy and replace it with a theocracy. Join us as we explore the history of this … read more.

“The Power of the Dream” or A W from the W

As described in a recent documentary, the WNBA dedicated its 2020 basketball season to Black Lives Matter, and player activism had a crucial impact on the Georgia senate race. Join us as we look to the WNBA as a model for Beloved Community and inspiration for … read more.

“Circles and Sacred Geometry”

In the study of sacred geometry, certain shapes hold special meanings. As today’s worship leader, Judy Robison will consider the significance of circles as a symbol of wholeness, balance and unity, and how circles relate to the cycles of life. (Note: This is not a … read more.